Healthy Recipes

WHAT IS QUINOA?   First of all, quinoa is a seed of an edible plant considered one of the world's healthiest and most nutritious foods. It is naturally gluten-free and contains a lot of protein. When it comes to protein, this grain is a winner. Quinoa contains a higher protein content than other grains. This superstar is one of the few grains that contain adequate amounts of all nine essential amino acids that our bodies need to maintain good health and normal function. When a person eats protein,...

  If you decide to include amaranth in your diet, you will enjoy its light and nutty flavor.  Some whole grains can be eaten raw. It is not the case with amaranth.  Let us take a look at the basics!  THE COOKING RATIO.  First, the ratio of liquid to amaranth is critical: for ½ cup of raw amaranth, you need 1 ½ cups of liquid, which can be water, bone broth, or milk of your choice.   COOKING TIME Fifteen minutes or until the water has evaporated. THE SOAKING PROCESS  I always soak the amaranth...

My experience with amaranth Amaranth is the new gluten-free trendy grain and has been used for centuries. It is a staple food of the ancient Aztecs, dating back to 8000 years ago. I discovered it a few months ago when googling for healthy whole grains. I was looking for new grains to keep me full longer and provide my body with many nutrients. It was part of my goal to get rid of a few extra pounds I had gained during this pandemic. I set out to...