What causes belly fat in women?

What causes belly fat in women?

What’s behind your belly fat?

Photo by  S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay


One of my friend’s most often asked questions is, “How do you get rid of belly fat?”

Are you aware that your belly fat has been quietly pilling up over the years? Please be my special guest if you fall into this category and read this post. You will find the correct info to help you get a clear perspective on this issue and make the right lifestyle changes.

Did you know that there is a lot of confusing information floating around on the internet, in magazines, etc.? It’s time to end it and get to the root of the problem directly.

Just take a look around the street, and you will find that almost everyone is carrying around some stubborn belly fat.

The first conclusion is that belly fat is caused mainly by the lifestyle of our modern times: stress, lack of exercise, and poor diet. But sometimes, there is more to it. It is about health problems and hormonal imbalance.

So, let’s get to the root of the cause.

Over the past 15 years, I have gained insights from dozens of “natural medicine” gurus, which have helped me answer so many health issues and develop my health strategy. So, I am more than happy to share my knowledge on this topic with you.


About belly fat and waist measurement


Before you make the right lifestyle changes to get rid of your belly fat, you need to find out what causes it? I want to specify that belly fat refers to abdominal fat.

It is essential to know that we are dealing with two types of belly fat:

– The VISCERAL FAT – this type of fat is located around your internal organs and can have severe consequences for your health. Scientists suspect that this fat is linked to heart diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and elevated blood sugar.

– The SUBCUTANEOUS FAT – this is the fat under your skin. It poses no danger to your health. But it’s also not a good idea to let it accumulate as it will transform into excess fat, which can cause health conditions over time.

Research shows that excess belly fat plays a crucial role in developing heart diseases, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and stroke. It also increases the risk of other health conditions such as type 2 diabetes.


A little fat on your belly is not the end of the world. But excess fat is your health enemy.

The question is:  How do you know if you have way too much belly fat? Waist measurement is the easiest way to stay away from various health conditions. All you need is a tape measure.

To measure your waist circumference correctly, follow these steps:

– Stand and place the tape measure just above your belly button.

– Pull the tape measure until it fits around you. Make sure it is straight and not too tight. Relax and do not hold your breath while measuring.

For women, a waist circumference of more than 35 inches (89 centimeters) means they may be at risk for health conditions. The high risk for various health problems caused by excess fat starts at about 102 centimeters (40 inches) for your man.

What causes belly fat


Usually, belly fat is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol, refined carbs, all forms of sugar, fruit juices, and fruits. In addition, hormonal changes can also cause excessive weight gain around your belly, especially when you start your journey through menopause.

Come along and take a look at the fat culprits on your belly.

  • Too many fruits and fruit juices in your diet



Yes, you heard me right! Too many fruits and fruit juices in your diet could be the culprit for your stubborn belly fat. I have found this to be true from my own experience. I have a lovely orchard of peaches, apricots, plums, apples, cherries, etc.



Most of them are very high in sugar. A symphony of flavors and colors. How could I resist the temptation to overeat when I have all these delicacies? The price I am paying all the time is some extra fat on my belly. Although fruits provide some minerals and vitamins, they contain fructose, a form of sugar. And fructose can cause belly fat to accumulate. Your liver converts the fructose from fruits and fruit juices into fat deposits on your belly.

In the case of fruit juices, it is the same fructose that leads to excess belly fat. In addition, fruit juice is very high in terms of caloric intake. Moreover, it is easy to consume more than necessary, making us feel full.

Essential tips:

– Swap your fruit juices for whole fruits to reduce sugar consumption, leading to excess belly fat. Keep your intake moderate. Remember Moderation in all things.

– Eat the fruit instead of dessert, but watch your portion. My nutritionist told me that an adequate quantity of fruit is what we can hold in the palm of our hands.

– Eat your fruit in the morning as this will give you enough time to burn off what you have eaten.

– Avoid or limit your consumption of dried fruits that are very high in sugar

Everyone is different, so our bodies will react differently to changes in eating habits. What works for me will not necessarily work for you. However, it’s better to try something new than to do nothing.

  • Hormones imbalance


Hormones help regulate our body’s metabolism, stress, hunger, sex drive, etc.

The thyroid gland is one of the essential glands in our body. Thyroid hormones control many vital functions in the body and how fast your body burns calories. When it does not produce enough hormones, we talk about hypothyroid. Maybe you’ve already heard of having a slow metabolism. It means that your thyroid is sluggish, and so are many functions in your body, and you put on weight, especially on your belly. When this gland makes either too much or too little hormones, a hormonal imbalance occurs. Studies suggest that a slow thyroid could be responsible for your belly fat. If it’s your case, better book an appointment with your doctor and see how your thyroid is doing. Better to prevent than letting things get worse.

  • Menopause 


As you are heading to your late 40s or early 50s, you may start your journey through menopause which is part of the aging process. More than that, menopause causes changes in your hormones that may lead to weight gain around your midsection. The fat pilling up on your abdomen is known as MENOPAUSE BELLY. There is so much going on in your body as you approach meno. The estrogen level is dropping. It is the start point for a hormonal imbalance and the beginning of various changes in your body, such as:

  • Your body shape may change. The fat on your thigs or butt may move to your belly, the “new normal!” It is due to hormonal shifts, but it is also related to bad eating habits.
  • You gain weight around your abdomen.
  • You may experience the hungry feeling for different types of food. You may already be familiar with various cravings: crave sweet, carb-rich foods, or salty.


Maybe you’re already wondering how to handle all these changes in your life without impacting your health. The key to tip-top health belongs to you:  switching up the way you eat and exercise, cutting out all forms of refined sugar, bad fats, refined carbs (cookies, white bread, donuts, etc.), sugary drinks, etc.

Bear in mind that weight gain at meno might take a little longer than usual. So, be patient and be nice to yourself.


  •  A diet high in refined carbs



Refined carbs such as pizza dough, pasta, pastries, white bread, white rice, white flour, some breakfast cereals, and cookies, you name it, are the bad carbs you have to stay away from. They digest quickly and cause spikes in blood sugar levels, and, in the end, cause the build-up of fat on your belly.


Excess belly fat increases the risk for several health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Lifestyle changes such as regular physical activity, good sleep, and healthy eating can melt your belly fat.

Excess consumption of fruits and fruit juices leads to belly fat. Swap fruit juices and dried fruits for whole fresh fruit as the former two are very high in sugar and it is easy to overeat.

The hormonal shift in your body during menopause could be responsible for your belly fat.

In my next blog post, I’ll walk you through practical ways to lose stubborn belly fat.

Till next time, let your hair down and keep healthy.






No content on this blog should ever be used to substitute for medical advice from your practitioner or other qualified doctors.


P.s. I would love to hear from you. Would you mind leaving your comment below?




  • Catherine Gerard
    Posted at 18:10h, 29 July Reply

    A great post, Gabby! Congrats! Looking forward to Reading the next post on ways to melt the belly fat. Regards!

    • gabriela
      Posted at 18:41h, 29 July Reply

      Thank you! I’m so pleased you enjoyed the post. See you next time on Effective ways to lose your belly fat. Till then, let your hair down and stay healthy!

  • Karin Kubiczkova
    Posted at 11:34h, 31 July Reply

    Interesting new informations for me, thank you Gabby, look forward to your next post

    • gabriela
      Posted at 08:50h, 05 August Reply

      Thank you, Karina. Happy to have you onboard for my next post.Regards.

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