homemade Tag

   I call this raspberry ice cream healthy because it is made with Greek yogurt instead of cream and coconut sugar instead of white sugar. It also uses three tablespoons of maple syrup for the entire batch. It contains no preservatives or other additives.  I am excited because I know what is in my ice cream and can also control the amount of sugar. This ice cream is full of raspberry flavor, creamy, and can be made in minutes.  It is a guilt-free treat made with only a...

  What is behind my decision to make coconut milk? I am one of those people who read food labels. It's a must because it helps me understand what's in the food I buy. Four years ago, I was in a big supermarket in Kingston. Coconut milk was on my shopping list. I grabbed a carton and started reading the label. I was shocked to realize how little coconut was in that milk. That day, I decided to make my coconut milk. When I hit menopause, I decided...

  About fir buds syrup Fir bud syrup is a natural remedy with antiseptic properties that has been used since ancient times, especially for coughs and respiratory tract inflammation. It is a lung tonic. In Romanian natural medicine, fir and pine bud syrup fight colds and flu and keep the respiratory tract healthy. Because of the pandemic this year, I decided to make my fir bud syrup to strengthen my respiratory system and have some in my pantry for the upcoming winter season. After all, you never know...